Levi Angenendt


Alpha 1.001: Added defer keyword for loading scripts. Changed JsonLD-files to link. Still testing how external JsonLD works with Search Engines. Alpha 1.002: Made a adjustment to the logo, it now spins permanently. Alpha 1.003: Small text correcturs, removing dfn parts untill I found a new solution for json-ld indexing the sites that are not indexed, fixing some links Alpha 1.004: Changed Homepage blocks around, cutted material Json changed slidly.

11.06 Alpha 1.010 Artikel Preparation-Update: Relinked my LinkedIn Profile Added Hidden Link Text to Social Media Links Added Artikel Section in Portfolio Added Artikel Page Added Artikel Template Added CSS-Classes for artikel and site sections Added an Artikel Added a Dialogbox system for the Artikel Removed Patch-Notes from Leistungen Added Patch-Notes as a link page in Leistungen Preparations for the Linked-Data-Preparation Update Changed Json-Slightly removed pointless json-ld

25.06.2023: Alpha 1.1 Artikel Update Added first Artikel about the Holy Roman Empire Added Google Search Console Tag + XML Sitemaps Reduced image size and file size Edited header on the active pages Removed unnecessary images

16.07 Alpha 1.11 Artikel Update Patch 1 (Text-Revisions) Massively Reduced Ammount of Text, changed some Text sizes and changed some text content

23.01.24 Alpha 1.12 Datenschutz Update Removed Google Tags which was here only for a school project, updated "Datenschutz info"

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